Montag, 31. Dezember 2007

No. 103 - arriving mail art "hofer" from Tobin Nelson - the conscience box press (USA)

No. 103 - arriving mail art "hofer" from Tobin Nelson - the conscience box press (USA) - Tobin has used a silver shining tape, wrote the word Hofer and sticked some colour stars to it. Thank you very much.

Samstag, 29. Dezember 2007

No. 102 - arriving mail art "24th december 2007 - Celebration for Hofer and Cavellini" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy)

No. 102 - arriving mail art "24th december 2007 - Celebration for Hofer and Cavellini" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy) - a funny combination of the two persons on one sheet, computer printout with artistamps on it. Thank you very much.

No. 101 - arriving mail art "Cairo Montenotte Mail Art Hofer" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy)

No. 101 - arriving mail art "Cairo Montenotte Mail Art Hofer" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy) - a collage on a common postcard. Thank you very much.
see one of his blog:

Freitag, 28. Dezember 2007

No. 100 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer - Die Freiheit des Adlers" from Angela Behrendt (Germany)

No. 100 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer - Die Freiheit des Adlers" from Angela Behrendt (Germany) - an advertising text of the movie about Adreas Hofer, which could have been seen on the 25th December on TV. Thanky you very much.

Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2007

No. 99 - arriving mail art "Austrian Patriot - Andreas Hofer" from Tom Johnson (USA)

No. 99 - arriving mail art "Austrian Patriot - Andreas Hofer" from Tom Johnson (USA) - a both side worked out playing card with the portrait of Andreas Hofer. Both side with address as well as postage stamps, so there are almost two mail art. Thank you very much.

Montag, 17. Dezember 2007

No. 98 - arriving mail art (red-black Andreas Hofer) from E (France)

No. 98 - arriving mail art (red-black Andreas Hofer) from E (France) - a zombie like mailart in black and red came today, a portrait of the death. Thank you very much.

Sonntag, 16. Dezember 2007

No. 97 - arriving mail art "sorry, we don't need Heroes..." from Lancillotto Bellini (Italy)

No. 97 - arriving mail art "sorry, we don't need Heroes..." from Lancillotto Bellini (Italy) - a portrait of the artist(?) with Dada mask, several artistamps and some collaged texts. Thank you very much.

Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2007

No. 95 & No. 96 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer verraten - 1810 erschossen" from Ingo Cesaro (Germany)

No. 95 & No. 96 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer - verraten - 1810 erschossen" (betrayed and shot down in 1810) from Ingo Cesaro (Germany) - Ingo has sent two almost similar postcards, both worked out in real letter press printing (1/3 and 2/3 - maybe there is a third one?) Thank you very much.

No. 94 - arriving mail art "A. Hofer Ich bin keine Postkarte" from Lothar Trott (Switzerland)

No. 94 - arriving mail art "A. Hofer Ich bin keine Postkarte" from Lothar Trott (Switzerland) - Lothar has sent a computer-printout with variations of a Andreas Hofer Portrait. The envelope was collaged with stickers. Thank you very much.

Mittwoch, 5. Dezember 2007

No. 92 & No. 93 - arriving mail art from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy)

No. 92 & No. 93 - arriving mail art from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy) - together with two envelopes and another postcard (see my other blog) these two modified postcards of the Fluxus Hofer by Litsa Spathi arrived. Well I thought Bruno will sent it out to other people, but now he has sent these postcards with several collages back to me. Thank you very much.

Samstag, 1. Dezember 2007

No. 91 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer" from Dmitry Babenko (Russia)

No. 91 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer" from Dmitry Babenko (Russia) - Dmitry has sent this lovely silhouette portrait of Andreas Hofer and did some cyrillic, calligraphical texts in two colours over it - a nice effect. He has sent as well something for my other call in the same technic (see: Thank you very much.

No. 90 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer with socks" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy)

No. 90 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer with socks" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy) - Bruno has used the postcard with the illustration done by Litsa Spathi (so it is a coproduction), which I have sent him. He collaged a big sock to the other leg and did some little extra drawings on it. Thank you very much.

Freitag, 30. November 2007

No. 89 - arriving mail art "red rock crossing" from Jim Hayes (USA)

No. 89 - arriving mail art "red rock crossing" from Jim Hayes (USA) - Jim has sent a collage on a elder postcard with the image of red rock crossing in oak creek canyon in Arizono - the set of so many westerns - it seems Andreas Hofer loves as well the rockies of Arizona. Thank you very much.

No. 88 - arriving mail art (patriot or bandit?) from Michele Stuppiello (Italy)

No. 88 - arriving mail art (patriot or bandit?) from Michele Stuppiello (Italy) - there is no real title of the work but I will call it patriot or bandit. It is one of the few real critical work about he subject. Michele mentioned another battle around the Napoleon wars in 1806 in south Italy - see the text. Thank you very much.

Mittwoch, 28. November 2007

No. 87 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer - Tirol - Freiheitskampf kann tödlich sein"" from Wolfgang Skodd (Germany)

No. 87 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer - Tirol - Freiheitskampf kann tödlich sein"" from Wolfgang Skodd (Germany) - Wolfgang has sent this wonderful idea; creating a fictive cigarette packet with a completly new label as you can see. The backside is as well fitting to my other mail art call aboot socks and stockings. Thank you very much.

Samstag, 24. November 2007

No. 86 - arriving mail art "Lustpost" from Wolfgang Skodd (Germany)

No. 86 - arriving mail art "Lustpost" from Wolfgang Skodd (Germany) - Wolfgang has sent a portrait of Andreas Hofer. it is a computerprintout. Thank you very much.

No. 85 - arriving mail art "peace mail" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy)

No. 85 - arriving mail art "peace mail" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy) - the envelope is decorated with the rest of the picture Bruno already sent to me (see No. 75) , Inside there is another collaged postcard. Thank you very much.

Freitag, 23. November 2007

No. 84 - arriving mail art "aus Dortmund" from Wolfgang Skodd (Germany)

No. 84 - arriving mail art "aus Dortmund" from Wolfgang Skodd (Germany) - Wolfgang was inspired by the illustration "Fluxus Andreas Hofer" done by Litsa Spathi and modified it in this way - it is digital printout. Thank you very much.

No. 83 - arriving mail art "found & randomised" from Rod Summers (Netherlands)

No. 83 - arriving mail art "found & randomised" from Rod Summers (Netherlands) - Rod has send a sligthly coloured card with a tiny little collage on it - an eagle. Not sure, whether he made it for this project, but it is fitting to the matter freedom. Thank you very much.

Donnerstag, 22. November 2007

No. 82 - arriving mail art "andreas hofer" from Eberhard Janke (Germany)

No. 82 - arriving mail art "andreas hofer" from Eberhard Janke (Germany) - Eberhard has modified a postcard with paint and collages. backsides probably with a new mail art project ? - who knows ? Please send him something fittting. Thank you very much.

Dienstag, 20. November 2007

No. 81 - arriving mail art "dream's edge" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy)

No. 81 - arriving mail art "dream's edge" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy) - Bruno has sent this collaged postcard together with something else which you can see on my other blog: Thank you very much.

Samstag, 17. November 2007

No. 80 - arriving mail art "The long tomorrow von Andreas Hofer" from Brigitte Plieger (Austria)

No. 80 - arriving mail art "The long tomorrow von Andreas Hofer" from Brigitte Plieger (Austria) - Brigitte has used a cut-out of the fluxus hofer postcard with an angel collage and mixed it together with a newpaper article about the prominet artist with the same name, Andreas Hofer. Thank you very much.

Freitag, 16. November 2007

No. 79 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer's Ghost" from Servane Morel (Belgium)

No. 79 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer's Ghost" from Servane Morel (Belgium) - another lovely painting by Servane, here an expressive image of Hofer's Ghost; She wrote on the backside: "...I've read a lot of things about him, and now he haunts me!..." Great, I hope he will haunt and haunt and haunt. Thank you very much.
Servane has a mail art call about Charlie Chaplin see her blog:

No. 77 & 78 - arriving mail art "whofer" from Haje Holmström (Finland)

No. 77 & 78 - arriving mail art "whofer" from Haje Holmström (Finland) - Haje has made two photos of two old chairs and painted and collaged the photos. A really nice effect. A kind of a diptychon. Thank you very much.

Donnerstag, 15. November 2007

scientific conference about Andreas Hofer - english version

Andreas Hofer – a hero of tourism?

Call for papers. On 5th and 6th September 2008, the Touriseum, the South Tyrolean tourism museum, is organising a conference at Trauttmansdorff Castle near Meran on the subject of Andreas Hofer and his significance for the development of tourism in Tyrol. Hofer is the main historical figure who, in various guises, has been used for tourism promotion purposes. A wide spectrum of topics will be addressed at the conference, ranging from the “invention” of the Hofer myth, the depictions of Andreas Hofer in travel guides, film characters, plays and performances, the form taken by these images, monuments, souvenirs and the naming of roads, places and hotels, to different forms of tourism such as ethno-tourism and battlefield tourism. The contemporary significance of both the Tyrolean struggle for freedom and of Andreas Hofer and his fellow combatants in tourism strategies and in the Tyrolean consciousness will also be discussed. The conference does not intend to portray Andreas Hofer in a “correct” manner, but rather to show the images of him that have developed in the context of tourism while investigating the role that Hofer has played and stills plays in tourism. Proposals for contributions to the conference are invited for submission up until 30 January 2008. They should be sent to the Touriseum (Landesmuseum für Tourismus, St.-Valentin-Strasse 51 a, I-39012 Meran, Italy; email An abstract of the proposal should also be submitted (approx. 2000 characters). It is intended that contributions will be published. Professor Konrad Köstlin will act as the conference scientific director. Contributors’ travel and accommodation costs will be refunded, and they will in addition receive a fee for their participation.

what do you think about it, should there be as well a lecture on mail art with this collection here?
set your comments please...

No. 76 - arriving mail art "Alle Triften, alle Stätten färbt mit ihren Knochen weiss..." from Peter Backes (Germany)

No. 76 - arriving mail art "Alle Triften, alle Stätten färbt mit ihren Knochen weiss..." from Peter Backes (Germany) - Peter has found this paper in a shooting club with parts of Heinrich von Kleist's poem (Germania an ihre Kinder), the illustration shows Andreas Hofer near Innsbruck during the main battles on the hill called Isel; he has sent it in an envelope with a typical tyroleon szenerie. Thank you very much.